Benefits of dyslexia
Videos, resources and links about the positive side of having dyslexia.
If you would like to share your journey or a video please email me a YouTube link.
EMAIL: captaincuthbertandscatthecat@hotmail.com
The aim is to raise awareness of what it is like to have dyslexia and focus on people’s talents.
'Share your Journey' for people to share how they overcome their struggles of having dyslexia.
I am also appealing for teachers to share tips on supporting students with dyslexia
I feel people sharing their journeys and videos could be beneficial to children and adults as they can relate to other peoples experiences and start to embrace their skills.
Useful Websites
Below you will find a list of useful websites. I welcome suggestions for websites. If you would like to suggest any please email me on: captaincuthbertandscatthecat@hotmail.com
(Working on the useful links this week)